Oscar Liber

Oscar Liber

FR  33 ans

La maravillosa aventura

Septembre 2016 - Septembre 2017  •  365 jours  •  81 585.5 km (voir détails)

In 2016 I was 25 years old and I was a software analyst at Accenture Technology Solutions working in the telecommunication sector. My results were good, my relationships with my colleagues were great, my daily life was really comfortable and my job was deeply boring. So I decided to change something, because I realized that if I were still in this situation at 26, I would fall into depression. I didn't have any obligations that kept me in France. I wanted to take beautiful pictures, to learn Spanish, to meet new people, to discover new cultures, and if possible to commit to some local jobs. This journey was obviously becoming a necessity and I seized this wonderful opportunity. Why should I not do it?